If a product goes on backorder and is later unavailable for any reason, the full amount of that item will be refunded and credited back to your account. If you pay and choose a payment option, this is done via payment provider The refund will be processed automatically after the “refund” button has been used by us. New orders coming in will be put on hold and when the refundable amount of the new incoming orders has been reached, your amount will be refunded to your account. If you want an immediate refund instead of waiting for the automatic process, this is also possible, for which we charge € 50.00 excl. VAT as administration costs.
If you have placed an order for delivery abroad and have not read “Contact us first” before shipping, the same method above applies, but it costs money on our side to receive and return the money. We will immediately charge you €50.00 excl. VAT, as can be read in the general terms and conditions.
If you want to cancel an order placed by yourself, if cancellation is still possible with supplier(s) (see production and delivery time page), we will charge you €50.00 excl. VAT, the remainder will be charged via be refunded through the automatic process. Payments for new incoming orders will be withheld until the amount has been reached, then your amount will be transferred to you, the remainder of all incoming orders will then be deposited into our account. If you require a manual refund of your order, €100.00 excl. VAT will be charged. Please note that not all orders can be canceled afterwards!
We do not have stock at Everything is ordered for you and then delivered to you. Returns/cancellations are not possible. Private individuals are treated as business customers in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions. If you do not want this, please order elsewhere. If you want to receive something quickly, you should also order elsewhere, because we have no influence whatsoever on the speed of producers/suppliers. Many products are also made per order, this is not surprising with brands such as Maxton Design, KW, ST, AP, and even a brand like VW no longer supplies everything off the shelf and only has parts produced after ordering. Many items will not be delivered until at least two weeks and up to 3 months. Read carefully and think carefully before ordering anything.
Returning a business order?
Have you placed a business order with us? The Distance Selling Act does not apply to companies. Orders cannot simply be returned, unless they are damaged or incorrectly delivered. See below if something arrives damaged! If a shipment is returned without written consultation, we will not process it. If you wish, we will charge a minimum hourly rate of €50.00 excluding VAT.
Please note: if it arrives slightly damaged, DO NOT accept the package! Report this immediately to the carrier.
Opened boxes/packaging cannot be returned unless the product was delivered incorrectly with damage. Please note that you report damage immediately to the carrier and DO NOT accept the package if the packaging is damaged in such a way that you can be sure that the product must also have been damaged!
PLEASE NOTE: products that are provided with a transport primer or adhesion layer for the purpose of applying primer, these products have never been used before. Applying such a layer before transport protects the product and requires additional finishing by correctly applying the basic primer to the sprayer before spraying.
Have you ordered something but you still want something different?Consider this before you order and not if you have ordered and you want to do this afterwards, as this always costs money and custom products ordered for you can never be returned, such as side skirts, spoilers, etc. For original parts, this means that it may NOT be opened. must not be damaged in terms of packaging, it must be in the same condition as VW delivered it, keep in mind that canceling with VW will cost almost the order amount and you will be left with virtually nothing. Returns are at your own expense, they also charge return costs, administration costs at least €50.00 excl. VAT plus they deduct an X percentage of the ordered items from the gross price. So you will never get your full paid amount back, only a smaller percentage! Therefore, think carefully in advance what you order! Original VW parts if there is a backorder it can take weeks and even months!!!
Please check your order carefully before placing it!
Delayed delivery
Unfortunately, it can happen that a supplier makes a mistake, resulting in the order being delivered elsewhere. To correct the error, they will immediately send a new shipment to the correct address if available from stock. If this is not possible because there is no immediate stock of what has been ordered, a shipment will have to be repaired after which it can only be delivered correctly later! This will delay the delivery of your order. Unfortunately, we have no influence on this.